< Master index Index for SuperSegger/segmentation >

Index for SuperSegger/segmentation

Matlab files in this directory:

 calculateStateEnergycalculateStateEnergy : calculates the state energy for modifying segments
 cellprops3cellprops3 : Calculates the shape properties of the region or 'cell'.
 cellprops5cellprops5 : Calculates the shape properties of a region or 'cell'.
 compConncompConn : calculates the connectivity of each pixel
 defineGoodSegsdefineGoodSegs sets the segments to good, bad and 3n set by the watershed algorithm
 doSegdoSeg : Segments and saves data in the seg.mat files in the seg/ directory.
 getRegNames3getRegNames3 : contains the names of the parameters used for scoring regions.
 getSegInfoNamesgetSegInfoNames : names for the 19 parameters used to calculate the
 houseNeuralSimulationhouseNeuralSimulation : calculates output for neural network.
 intRemoveFalseMicroColintRemoveFalseMicroCol : used to remove regions that are not cells.
 magicContrastmagicContrast : applies a filter to enhance inter-cellular contrast.
 makeBgMaskmakeBgMask : makes a background mask for the phase image
 makeRegSizemakeRegSize : computes the projections lengths after rotating.
 makeRegionAxisFastmakeRegionAxis : calculates the principal axis of the segment mask.
 makeRegionSizemakeRegionSize : computes the projections lengths on the principal axis.
 perRegionOptiperRegionOpti : Segmentaion optimization using region characteristics.
 regionOptiregionOpti : Segmentaion optimization using region characteristics.
 removeDebrisremoveDebris : removes false positives from microcolony mask
 scoreNeuralNetscoreNeuralNet : calculates the scores of regions/ segments using a trained neural network
 segInfoCurvsegsInfoCurv : Calculates the properties of the segments used for segment scoring.
 segInfoL2segInfoL2 : Calculates the properties of the segments used for segment scoring.
 segsTLEditsegsTLEdit : used to visually modify segments in a frame.
 simAnnealMapsimAnneal: Finds the minimum energy configuration using simulated anneal.
 ssoSegFunssoSegFun : starts segmentation of phase image and sets error flags
 ssoSegFunPerRegssoSegFunPerReg : starts segmentation of phase image and sets error flags
 superSeggerOptisuperSeggerOpti generates the initial segmentation of rod-shaped cells.
 systematicsystematic: Finds the minimum energy configuration by trying all segment
 treeScoretreeScore : calculates the scores of regions/ segments using given classification tree.
 watershedNoisewatershedNoise : uses watershed on an image and adds noise

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