< Master index Index for SuperSegger/viz >

Index for SuperSegger/viz

Matlab files in this directory:

 colorizecolorize : creates an image, with defined mask, colormap, and background
 compcomp : creates composite image
 doColorMapdoColorMap : Applies colormap to an image.
 editSegmentsGuieditSegmentsGui : gui used to turn on/off segments
 fixFlagsfixFlags : fixes and initializes flags for superSeggerViewer.
 getPadSizegetPadSize : returns how many numbers there are in each cell .mat file.
 getRGBColorgetRGBColor : returns rgb value of color name.
 hotcoldhotcold : used for colormaps.
 hotcoldinvholdcoldinv : inverts hot to cold in colormap.
 intCellFitintCellFit : function used to fit to the shape of the cell.
 intLoadDataViewerintLoadDataViewer : used to load data in superSeggerViewer
 loadCellDataloadCellData : used to load a cell file given it's number
 makeCellMoviemakeCellMovie : creates a movie for a single cell file
 makeConsensusArraymakeConsensusArray : Computes consensus dataImArray array used to make
 makeConsensusImagemakeConsensusImage : Computes consensus fluorescence localization from cells in a cell files
 makeConsensusKymointMakeConsensusKymo : creates a consensus kymograph
 makeFrameMosaicmakeFrameMosaic: Creates a tower for a single cell.
 makeFrameStripeMosaicmakeFrameStripeMosaic : Creates a long stripe with all the cell towers.
 makeKymoMosaicmakeKymoMosaic creates a mosaic kymograph of multiple cells.
 makeKymographCmakeKymographC : creates a kymograph for given cell data file..
 makeLineagemakeLineage : creates a lineage tree for the cells with ID_.
 makeTowerConsmakeTowerCons : Makes normalized time and shape tower for a single cell.
 makehotcoldmakehotcold : used to create a hotplot
 plot2ClistsGuiplot2ClistsGui : gui used to plot a dot plot of two values in the clist
 shouldUseErrorFilesloadCellData : used to load a cell file given it's number
 showCellOutlineshowCellOutline : draws the outlines for the regions in the data file.
 showSegDatashowSegData : draws the outlines for the regions in the data file.
 showSegDataPhaseshowSegDataPhase : draws the outlines for the regions in the data file.
 showSeggerImageshowSeggerImage : produces the superSeggerViewer image according to clist and
 superSeggerViewersuperSeggerViewer : interactive visulization of the segmented data.
 superSeggerViewerGuisuperSeggerViewerGui : gui used to visualize the results of segmentation
 tight_subplottight_subplot : creates "subplot" axes with adjustable gaps and margins
 towerMergeImagestowerMergeImages : merges the towers of several cells.

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