< Master index Index for SuperSegger/gate >

Index for SuperSegger/gate

Matlab files in this directory:

 gategate : used to gate the list of cells.
 gateHistgateHist : makes a histogram for the list of cells
 gateHistDengateHistDen : makes a probability density plot for the list of cells
 gateHistDotgateHistDot : plots dot plot of two quantities in the clist.
 gateMakegateMake : used to create a gate field in the clist.
 gateStripgateStrip : removes the gate field from clist, or the gate for index ind.
 gateToolgateTool : tool for gating and plotting functionality of clists.
 gateToolGuiGATETOOLGUI MATLAB code for gateToolGui.fig
 grabClistIndexgrabClistIndex : grabs the clist index for string
 plotClist3DgateHist : makes a plot for from the 3dclist for all cells with time.

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