< Master index Index for SuperSegger/cell >

Index for SuperSegger/cell

Matlab files in this directory:

 makeColonyDistmakeColonyDist : returns the distance mask for the colony
 toMakeCelltoMakeCell : calls toMakeCellFast to calculate the properties of a cell.
 trackOptiCellFilestrackOptiCellFiles : organizes the data into the final cell files that
 trackOptiClisttrackOptiClist : generates an array called the clist
 trackOptiGateCellFilestrackOptiGateCellFiles : moves cells not passing the gate to separate directory
 trackOptiListNeighbortrackOptiListNeighbor : creates a neighbors list for each cell.
 trackOptiMakeCelltrackOptiMakeCell : generates the CellA field indexed by the region number

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