
% Script to display the different superSegger methods

Get tryMe-file's location

FulllocationOfFile = mfilename('fullpath');
fileSepPosition = find(FulllocationOfFile==filesep,1,'last');
filepath = FulllocationOfFile ( 1 :fileSepPosition);

dirname = [filepath,'60mrnaCropped'];

Sample phase and a fluorescence image

imageFolder = [dirname,filesep,'raw_im',filesep];

% finds all phase and fluorescence images
phaseIm = dir([imageFolder,'*c1.tif']);
fluorIm = dir([imageFolder,'*c2.tif']);

% reads the first one
phase = imread([imageFolder,phaseIm(1).name]);
fluor = imread([imageFolder,fluorIm(1).name]);



Different segmentation parameters

Try different constants to select the most appropriate one

Pick the first corner of the crop region.
Pick the second corner of the crop region.
Segmenting with 100XEc
loading Constants : 100XEc.mat
Segmenting with 100XPa
loading Constants : 100XPa.mat
Segmenting with 60XBay
loading Constants : 60XBay.mat
Segmenting with 60XCaulob
loading Constants : 60XCaulob.mat
Segmenting with 60XEc
loading Constants : 60XEc.mat
Segmenting with 60XEcLB
loading Constants : 60XEcLB.mat
Segmenting with 60XPa
loading Constants : 60XPa.mat

Set constants

Load the constants and set the desired values

CONST = loadConstants ('60XEclb',0);

% fit up to 5 foci in each cell
CONST.trackLoci.numSpots = [5]; % Max number of foci to fit in each fluorescence channel (default = [0 0])

% find the neighbors
CONST.trackOpti.NEIGHBOR_FLAG = true;

% not verbose state
CONST.parallel.verbose = 0;
loading Constants : 60XEcLB.mat

Segment the data

Setting clean flag to true to resgment data

clean_flag = 1;
close all; % close all figures
BatchSuperSeggerOpti (dirname,1,clean_flag,CONST);
Clean flag is set to true.
BatchSuperSeggerOpti : images already aligned
xy1: BatchSuperSeggerOpti : Segmenting Cells
xy1: trackOpti - Step 1: Running trackOptiStripSmall.
xy1: trackOpti - Step 2: Running trackOptiLinkCell.
xy1: ErRes: Frame: 4 already has an id 12
xy1: ErRes: Frame: 8 already has an id 7
xy1: ErRes: Frame: 9 already has an id 8
xy1: ErRes: Frame: 15 already has an id 8
xy1: ErRes: Frame: 15 already has an id 13
xy1: ErRes: Frame: 23 already has an id 11
xy1: ErRes: Frame: 37 already has an id 3
xy1: ErRes: Frame: 38 already has an id 19
xy1: ErRes: Frame: 41 already has an id 3
xy1: ErRes: Frame: 41 already has an id 17
xy1: ErRes: Frame: 46 already has an id 8
xy1: ErRes: Frame: 46 already has an id 8
xy1: ErRes: Frame: 48 already has an id 24
xy1: ErRes: Frame: 50 already has an id 12
xy1: ErRes: Frame: 53 already has an id 10
xy1: ErRes: Frame: 60 already has an id 12
xy1: ErRes: Frame: 60 already has an id 24
xy1: trackOpti - Step 3: Running trackOptiCellMarker.
xy1: trackOpti - Step 4: Running trackOptiFluor.
xy1: trackOpti - Step 5: Running trackOptiMakeCell.
xy1: trackOpti - Step 6: Running trackOptiFindFoci.
xy1: trackOpti - Step 7: Running trackOptiClist.
xy1: trackOpti - Step 8: Running trackOptiCellFiles.

Load an individual cell file

cell_dir = [dirname,filesep,'xy1',filesep,'cell',filesep];
cellData = dir([cell_dir,'Cell*.mat']);
data = load([cell_dir,cellData(1).name]);

Cell phase image

Show the phase image for frame 1

timeFrame = 1;

Cell Mask

Show the cell mask for frame 1

mask = data.CellA{timeFrame}.mask;

Fluorescence image

Show the fluorescence image for frame 1


Cell tower

create a cell tower for the loaded cell.

im_tmp = makeFrameMosaic(data, CONST,3,1,3);


create a kymograph for the loaded cell.



Load the clist

clist = load([dirname,'/xy1/clist.mat']);


Plot the long axis at birth


Gate and re-plot the histogram

Take only cells for which the birth was observed and display the long axis at birth.

% Gate on quantity (4) which is the birth frame
% and take only values from 2 - 100, i.e. discard cells that were born
% in the first frame.
clistGated = gateMake(clist,4,[2 100]);

% plotting for the gated clist the long axis at birth